Thursday, June 5, 2014

Feed Your Muse!

My muse is mysterious and wonton in her ways. Do not ask me her name. I do not know it. She is elusive, fickle and quite severe on some days, cracking her glorious whip C driving me forward without regard for my need for sleep, nutrition, fresh air, etc. My back aches from leaning over the bench, my wrist from an injury less than a year ago still fresh on my mind, my eyes cross due to sleep deprivation and still she drives me. I do not direct my Muse. She directs me. It is my job to follow, to be slave to her whims and master her desires. My muse takes me down rabbit holes, where bright ideas are born in the moments fire. Wonderful accidents lead me in a whole different direction than I set out intending to take. That leads to breakthroughs. My success is all to her credit. I am just the vessel that she fills. So how exactly does one find their muse? I recently found this article on finding your muse by Alisha Burk and realized that I couldnt say it any better. Check it out and let me know if it helps you find your muse. Here is a small excerpt to whet your appetite: Theres no doubt that the Muse can speak to us through others. But what makes your work original is knowing which influences to use and which to tune out. Its an interesting life these days: TV (yay!), internet, IPhones, US Weekly (double yay!), check your email, check your texts, voicemail, multi-tasking (boo!), news, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, Like, Unlike, post, delete, upload, download . . . . .repeat! This constant snowstorm of information clouds my brain. I wake up in the middle of the night wondering about my inbox (I know, its totally obsessive!) Where does it end?! Is there an end? In the middle if this madness, where does our Muse get a chance to speak to us? Can our inspiration sing if its voice is drowned out by all of these digital voices and influences? I mean, its great, this new communication, but every blessing brings its own kind of curse! How do we manage this flood without drowning in it? To read the rest of this inspiring article, follow this link : And by all means, if you are a jewelry artist looking for inspiration, be sure to catch my 50% off sale on all of my tutorials in my Etsy shop. Today is the last day of the sale! Remember to use coupon code Happy2014 at checkout for the discount!

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